Comparison of Feature Selection with Information Gain Method in Decision Tree, Regression Logistic and Random Forest Algorithms
One of the approaches that can be done is to perform feature selection. Feature selection is done by identifying the most informative features and not using features that do not directly contribute to the target feature. The purpose of feature selection is to increase the accuracy of the model. The research was conducted by comparing the performance of the model by comparing the accuracy results of the model without any feature selection with the model that has done feature selection. The process is done by comparing the accuracy results with decision tree, random forest and SVM algorithms. In the research method of feature selection on science data, the steps include understanding the domain and dataset, exploratory analysis, data cleaning, measuring feature relevance with criteria such as Information Gain, and feature ranking. The results are evaluated and validated using model performance metrics before and after feature selection. This process ensures selection of relevant features, improving accuracy. The research process used the Lung Cancer Prediction datasheet which consists of 306 rows and 16 attributes. The results show that feature selection can improve the performance of the classification model by reducing features that do not contribute to the target. Comparison results using decision tree, Regression Logistic and random forest classification model algorithms and feature selection resulted in a high accuracy value of 0.968 in the Regression Logistic algorithm with a feature selection of 5.
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